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"A verdant cathedral. Woods as old as this are like ancient cities - full of well-established and complex communities"
A woodland steeped in history
Combs Wood is an ancient woodland with a history stretching back as far as the Doomsday Book, it was recorded as 'a wood for 16 swine'.
We're lucky to have this wonderful wood on our doorsteps. It's a great place to walk all year round - if you don't mind a bit of mud in the spring and winter - and has all sorts of fascinating flowers and wildlife.
Combs Wood is managed by The Suffolk Wild Life Trust who also run regular working parties for volunteers interested in woodland management.
You'll find lots more information about why this wood is so special including its history, how it is managed today and plans for the future on the Suffolk Wildlife Trust website, where they also publish dates and details of courses and events.
Church Road, Combs Ford, near Stowmarket
Church Road, Combs Ford, near to Combs Church and follow footpath
Walking conditions
Muddy in the winter and spring
On leads
Star species
Birds-nest orchid
SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest - a site of national importance identified by Natural England for its ecological or geological value.
Information provided courtesy of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust